7 March 2024
New Delhi
Published on: 03/07/2024
Women have today broken the proverbial glass ceiling, and how! Ahead of the International Women’s Day, we take stock of the exemplary work women are doing across sectors to make a difference.
Theresa Ronnie
Theresa Ronnie is a seasoned management expert with 20+ years experience during which she has donned multiple hats. She heads Marketing for ProClime, a unified climate action services provider and the Co-founder of Fly Neon Skies, which has been working with brands on unlocking their true potential. She has worked with leading brands in the Middle East, Malaysia and is now plying her trade in India.
Theresa is extremely passionate about making an impact through her initiatives and exploring synergies, ensuring a sharp focus on behaviour change. She also loves to write and is currently in the process of writing a novel.
News Article Link: https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2024/03/womens-day-special-breaking-barriers-taking-strides/?success=1
Proclime : [email protected]